List of options

List of options

Compulsory flags:

One of snp, gene, or region must be specified to create the plot:

Options Description Default value
snp specify the SNP to be annotated (you must also include ignore.lead = TRUE if choosing this option) NA
gene specify the Gene to make the plot around NA
region specify the chromsome region you want to plot (must be specified as c(chr, start, end) NA
data specify the data.frame (or a list of data.frames) to be used in the plot (requires the columns “CHR”, “BP”, “SNP”, and either “P” or “logBF”) NULL specify a data.frame with gene locations to plot beneath the graph (requires the columns “Gene”, “Chrom”, “Start”, and “End”) - the UCSC_GRCh37_Genes_UniqueList.txt in this repo can be used for this NA
plot.title specify a title to go above your plot NA specify a filename for your plot to be saved to NA

Optional flags:

Options Description Default value
ld.file specify a data.frame with LD values relevant to the SNP specified by snp (requires the columns “SNP_B” and “R2”) NULL
offset_bp specify how far either side of the snp, gene, or region you want the plot to extend 200000
noncoding when using the UCSC gene list you can specify whether you want to plot the non-coding genes FALSE
plot.type specify the file format of the plot (options are “jpg” or “svg”) “jpg”
nominal specify the nominal significance level to draw on the plot (in -log10(P)
significant specify the significance level to draw on the plot (in -log10(P)
secondary.snp provide the list of secondary SNP IDs (must match IDs in results file) to be highlighted on the plot NA
secondary.label specify whether to label the secondary SNPs on the plot FALSE
genes.pvalue specify a data.frame of p-values (e.g. MAGMA results) associated with each gene (requires the columns “Gene” and “P”) NULL
colour.genes specify whether to colour genes based on a p-value provided in gene.pvalue FALSE
population specify the 1000 genomes population to use when calculating LD if ld.file = NULL (options are “AFR”, “AMR”, “EAS”, “EUR”, “SAS”, “TAMA”, and “ALL”) “EUR”
sig.type specify whether the y-axis should be labelled as -log10(P) or log10(BF) (options are “P” or “BF”) “P”
nplots specify whether multiple results plots will be saved into your jpeg file (e.g. plot two GWAS results one above another) FALSE
ignore.lead specify whether to ignore the SNP with the smallest P and use the SNP specified by ‘snp’ to centre the plot FALSE
rsid.check specify whether to check if the SNPs are labelled with rsIDs - should only matter if script is calculating LD for you TRUE